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Cyberflashing: Understanding the Issue and How to Protect Young People

Cyberflashing is more than just a nuisance it’s a violation of personal space and trust. By fostering open communication, adjusting device settings, and emphasizing the importance of consent, parents, carers, and educators can empower young people to protect themselves and seek help if needed.

What is Cyberflashing you may ask?

Cyberflashing is an unsettling form of online harassment where unsolicited explicit images are sent to someone’s device without their consent. Often occurring through file-sharing systems like Airdrop or social media apps, this behavior is invasive and can cause distress, confusion, or embarrassment especially for young people.

Below are actionable best practices to help protect children and teens, both preventatively and when they face such situations:

Preventative Best Practices for Parents and Carers

  1. Open the Door to Communication Let your child know their boundaries matter. Teach them to trust their instincts and speak up if someone whether a stranger, friend, or partner crosses those boundaries. Reassure them that no matter what happens, you’ll listen and support them without judgment. Establishing trust ensures they feel safe coming to you.
  2. Adjust Airdrop Settings For children using iPhones, the default Airdrop setting allows anyone nearby to send photos directly to their device. Change this to “Contacts Only” or, for maximum safety, “Receiving Off.” It’s a simple yet effective way to shield your child from unsolicited images.
  3. Secure Other Apps Many incidents of cyberflashing occur through social media or file-sharing apps when privacy settings are lax. Work with your child to enable safety features like “friends only” settings, and limit who can follow them or interact with their content. Guides like Child net’s “My Life Online” can help facilitate conversations and set clear rules.

What to Do If Your Child Is a Victim of Cyberflashing

  1. Stay Calm and Reassure Them It can be intimidating for a child to open up about something embarrassing or unfamiliar. Praise them for trusting you and emphasize that they’ve done the right thing. Remind them that none of this is their fault.
  2. Assess and Report If the incident happened at school, inform the appropriate staff so they can take action based on their safeguarding policies. For incidents outside of school, consider contacting local authorities and seeking support from the school if needed.
  3. Revisit Phone Settings As a precaution, double-check your child’s Airdrop and app privacy settings. Switch Airdrop to “Receiving Off” to prevent further occurrences.
  4. Seek Professional Support Let your child know help is available. Organizations like the UK Safer Internet Centre and The Mix offer guidance and confidential support for young people. They can also assist with reporting harmful online content.

Educators: Teaching Young People About Cyberflashing

  1. Discuss Healthy Relationships and Consent Teach students that boundaries are personal and should always be respected. Empower them to stand up for themselves if pressured and to seek help when needed.
  2. Encourage Open Conversations Create a safe space for dialogue and healthy debate. This helps gauge students’ perspectives and enables educators to mediate discussions effectively.
  3. Use Age-Appropriate Resources Talking about inappropriate online behaviors can be challenging. Use toolkits and resources to guide your teaching and create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable addressing sensitive topics.

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